hispanic americans meaning in English
- Students : 307 full - time ( 140 women ) ; includes 73 minority ( 4 african americans , 2 american indian / alaska native , 60 asian americans or pacific islanders , 7 hispanic americans ) , 70 international
学生:每年招收307名( 140名女生)学生,包括4名亚裔美籍学生, 2名美籍印第安学生或者阿拉斯加人。 60名亚裔学生, 7名西班牙或葡萄牙裔以及70名外籍学生。
Related Words
- hispanic
- hispanics
- hispanic america
- hispanic studies
- hispanic american report
- pew hispanic center
- national hispanic heritage month
- hispanic merengue and food
- latin american and hispanic ethnicity
- hispanic journal of behavioral sciences
- hispanic america
- hispanic american report
- hispanic journal of behavioral sciences
- hispanic merengue and food